Auxiliary & Video Services FAQ

ICC Auditorium

Can I request additional furniture for my event?

To procure chairs and tables for the stage, or outside in the Auditorium lobby, please specify this with Georgetown Event Management Services (GEMS) when reserving the room.

  • Facilities Special Events is the office that provides all non-technology elements (tables, chairs, tablecloths, bunting, etc.)
  • Please allow 10 business days to schedule this request.

Can I move the stage podium?

If you must remove the podium in the ICC Auditorium from the stage, please contact University Facilities or CETS. Please do not attempt to remove the podium from the stage without CETS or Facilities advance approval.

What happens if CETS cannot provide technology support for my event?

CETS is the default technology service provider in the ICC Auditorium, and has a right of first refusal in providing all technology to classes and programs using that venue.

In situations where auditorium users require technologies and/or service levels which CETS cannot normally support, CETS may partner with one or more external contractors to provide additional services. On occasion, CETS permits an external contractor to provide all technology required by a particular auditorium program.

Please contact CETS before reserving or contracting with any external contractor for technology provision or support in the ICC Auditorium.

Lohrfink Auditorium

Can I request additional furniture for my event?

To procure chairs and tables for the stage, or outside in the 2d Floor lobby of Lohrfink, please specify this with Georgetown Event Management Services (GEMS) when reserving the room.

  • Facilities Special Events is the office that provides all non-technology elements (tables, chairs, tablecloths, bunting, etc.)
  • Please allow 10 business days to schedule this request.

Can I move the stage podium?

If you must remove the podium in the Lohrfink Auditorium from the stage, please contact the MSB Tech CenterUniversity Facilities or CETS. Please do not attempt to remove the podium from the stage without CETS or MSB Tech Center advance approval.

What happens if CETS cannot provide technology support for my event?

As managing department for Lohrfink Auditorium technology for the University, CETS must approve any entity other than the MSB Tech Center who would be providing technology in that venue.

In situations where auditorium users require technologies and/or service levels which CETS cannot normally support, CETS may partner with one or more external contractors to provide additional services. On occasion, CETS may permit an external contractor to provide all technology required by a particular auditorium program.

Please contact CETS before reserving or contracting with any external contractor for technology provision or support in the Lohrfink Auditorium.

Mobile Audio Services

Can I request additional furniture for my event?

GU Facilities Special Events can provide:

– portable stages, lecterns, tables, chairs, table linen, bunting, signage, etc.

inside and outside venues scheduled by Georgetown Event Management Services (GEMS), and only outside of classroom venues scheduled by the Office of the Registrar (OUR). Departments and student groups are not permitted to bring in outside furniture into OUR-scheduled classrooms.

Please specify that you need stages, furniture, linens or signage with GEMS when reserving the room. Please allow 10 business days to schedule this request.

For stages, furniture, lines or signage inside or outside a Healy Family Student Center (HFSC) venue, or for outside a classroom, patrons may contact Facilities Special Events directly at Facilities.

There are separate charges for Facilities Special Events over and above space usage for GEMS, HFSC, or OUR. 

Event planners must incorporate sufficient time for stage or furniture set-up and removal when requesting time in venues, and in scheduling the start and stop times of their events or programs within that window of granted time in the venue.


What is WICS?

Workshop, Institute and Conference Services (WICS) is the service which Classroom Educational Technology Services (CETS) provides for all of the non-class academic meetings, conventions, conferences, workshops, training sessions, etc., for which departments or student groups invite persons from outside the University to campus.

CETS services without charge any non-class program using built-in classroom technology, if the user group consists solely of GU faculty, GU students and/or GU staff. We also do not charge for Commencement events or presentations of the Admissions Office using classroom technology.

If your program is not limited to “internal” GU faculty, students, or staff and you invite persons from outside the University to attend in the audience, you may be required to pay for using classroom technology for your event.

If payment is required or potentially required, patrons must submit their GMS work tags (at a minimum: Cost Center, Fund, Purpose and Program). If a patron does not submit GMS work tags when requested, access to classroom technology will not be provided.

Also, there are time limitations when classroom technology will be available for any non-class program, and built-in technology is not made available outside of these hours.

Whom Should I Contact With Questions?

If you have questions about CETS services for Workshops, Institutes and Conferences, please contact John Steitz, CETS Assistant Director, at (202) 687-2509/202-569-3119.