Types of Classrooms
Lecture Classrooms

Classrooms with level floor and capacity of 17-150. Desks usually have tablet arms and face the teaching area, some featuring raised teaching platforms. All classrooms contain lectern/desks, with fully embedded technology.
Auditoria Lecture Classrooms

Seminar Classrooms

Classrooms with seating at tables, depending on location, with seating capacity of 14-24. Tables usually set in solid square or hollow square style. Most contain AV cabinets with fully embedded technology.
Case Study Classrooms

Classrooms with inclined seating with capacity of 60-65. Chairs placed at semi-circle desks facing teaching areas. All contain lecterns or lectern/desks with fully embedded technology.
Interactive Computer Classrooms

Classrooms with level floor or inclined seating with capacity of 32-44. All workstations have a desktop computer/monitor and face the teaching area. Each room contains a lectern or lectern/desk with fully embedded technology.